Humanity is Divine

We don’t hear that a lot do we?

The news we most often hear about us as a species is that humanity is a scourge on the earth, uninvited cockroaches invading and wasting the planet. A blight.

A toxic source of trash destined to ruin everything.

I disagree. I think we are divine.

You might not know this about me but I’m an incredibly religious, spiritual, believer in great and unseen powers around us. I’m not really ready to discount anything at this stage, the nature of our existence is unknown, and anyone who feels like they truly know anything, to me, is obviously trying to make up for something.

Which is their journey, maybe it’s yours, and I wish you the best. 

But for me, I’m going to glean information from all the books, not just the ones that promote the idea that we are a disease on a space rock hurtling through the universe all alone. 

No, the earth is our home, our place, we come from it, she made us. 

Just as all the flora and fauna have come from this earth, so have we. Transformed and manipulated by its environment over a millennia until we emerged, and are still emerging as we are today.

The earth and everything on it are a series of mutations that either do, or don’t work. 

We work. 

Our bodies, minds, and souls are a complex and mostly unknowable force that is as natural as the breeze, as necessary as water, as beautiful as a sunset.

 We do trashy things, and we have the ability to be horrendous and horrible people, but I find that one of our worst and trashiest habits is the continued and constant focus on the separation between humankind and the earth that birthed us… As though we aren’t obviously part of the same family.

As though we weren’t meant to be here.

As though the earth doesn’t want us. 

This matters to me because in the Western world that I’m a part of, anxiety, depression, disassociation and unworthiness are rife within us. Which isn’t surprising considering that our Capitalist father has been telling us that we need to work for our worth and that our mother doesn’t want us for a few hundred years now. 

But our mother does want us. And like many hundreds and billions of mothers kept under her bosom, she will continue to provide for us even whilst we run her ragged, fill her ears with bullshit and steal wealth from her pockets. 

Because we are loved.

We aren’t a scourge.

We were created by this world and we belong here. 

You belong here. 

Imagine if that was the message we heard coming from the news every day? Don’t wait for other people to say it to you, say it to yourself. 

I am divine, I am wanted, I am necessary, my great Mother loves me. 

Or don’t. Whatever you decide is fine. 

But, for what it’s worth, I think you’re divine, we all are. 





Fuck trauma, heal joy